2022 NRF KEASTWEST Online International Conference

2022 Virtual Comparative Literature International Symposium: A Taste of 2025 ICLA-Seoul Congress “New Comparative Literature and World Literature in the Age of Hyper-Digital Connection: Translation, Media, and Digital Humanities”. Time: 3:00 PM to 12:00 AM, 29 October 2022 – Korean Time Platforms: Zoom ID: 838 8509 5059; Passcode: 2022 YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/9ePrMZWwIYE https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20221025T060000&p1=235&p2=179&p3=136&p4=195&p5=215&p6=69&p7=176&p8=33...

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A Virtual Roundtable Discussion on “Comparative Literature in Asia” to be organized by the School of Humanities, The University of Hong Kong. (Date: 14th Nov 2022; Time: 5 PM HKT)

This online Roundtable discussion is on histories, methods, and futures of Comparative Literature in Asia. This is part of a larger project and ongoing discussion on Comparative Literature in Asia. This time we are initiating dialogues with the Comparatists from India, China, Thiland, South Korea, Philippines and Hong Kong. Click on this following link to...

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